White willow-Salix Alba


85 in stock


White Willow-Salix alba

A beautiful, large, vigouros tree with deeply furrowed bark, White willow will grow in most situations and in particular does well in exposed locations as a shelterbelt tree. It is the classic riverside tree growing very fast into a magestic wide spreading tree that can stabilise the river bank and help against erosion. Highly valued by wildlife, the wood can also be used in a variety of wood crafts, or even coppiced for firewood to heat your home. Its bark can be used as a rooting compound to help with propagating cuttings.

Tolerates exposure
Soil: Any
Position: Full sun, some shade
Hardiness: Hardy
Height: up to 80ft (25m) Spread: 20ft (6m)

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg