Fruit and Nut Trees
Showing 1–12 of 54 results
Beauty of Bath
description: early eater Age:2 polination group:Â 2 -
Apples Modern and Other apple
Mid/late season triploid Dual purose stores well polination group:Â 3 Available on MM106 -
Apples Modern and Other apple
Age: 2 Pollination group: 2 Description: mid season sweet eater Available on M9 -
Apples Fruits
Age:2 polination group:Â 2 Available on M26 semi dwarfing rootstock Mid season, great flavour, nice crisp flesh. -
Apples Modern and Other apple
Early eater Age:2 polination group:Â 2 Available on M26 rootstocks -
Modern and Other apple
Egremont Russet
Age:3 polination group:Â 2 Availble on MM106 rootstock -
Apples Modern and Other apple
Charles Ross
Age:2 polination group:Â 3 Available on m26 Rootstck -
Age:2 polination group:Â 4 Description: late eater stores well Available on MM106 rootstock -
Apples Fruits Irish Heritage Apple
Irish Peach
Description:Â early eater Age: 1 polination group:Â 2 Suitable for ACRES -
Apples Fruits Irish Heritage Apple
ladys finger of offaly
Age:1 polination group:Â 3 Lady Fingers of Offaly is a mid season sweet apple. Irish heritage apple with good disease resistance. -
Fruits Pears
Age:2 quince A:yes polination group:Â 3 -
Fruits Pears
William Bon Chretien
Age:2 quince A:yes polination group:Â 3
Contact Saul Mosbacher
Phone: 0870577390 or 061924914