Planting, growing and caring for Blueberries

Planting, growing and caring for Blueberries

Blueberries are one the most tasty soft fruits that you can grow in Ireland and they also have many health benefits including high levels of antioxidants, fibre and vitamins.They are an extremly attractive plant which are related to rhododendron and azalea, that have...
Ireland’s Heritage Apple trees

Ireland’s Heritage Apple trees

Apple trees have been a part of Ireland’s landscape for centuries. They’re not just trees; they’re a piece of Irish culture! These trees tell stories of families, traditions, and the land itself. The Irish have cultivated various apple varieties, each with its own...
What are Cob Nuts?

What are Cob Nuts?

Cob Nuts What are Cob nuts? Cob Nuts are selected Hazelnut cultivars that have been selected for production of nuts, ie. large nuts and regular crops. Regular Hazelnuts that you buy in the shop are produced from Cob nut trees. In ancient times nuts collected from wild...